We try our best

But You Can Always Improve


Our Responsibility

At Revolution, responsibility is first and foremost about being conscious of how our existence have an environmental and social impact. We strongly believe that every decision we make should be based on empathy for every being and entity they might influence. We use three categories when addressing these influentials; our suppliers, our organization, and our consumers.

Below you can download a public document stating how Revolution operates, and plans to operate, as a socially and
environmentally responsible entity within the fashion industry.

Baseline 2024

We feel immensely responsible
and morally obligated when it comes to the social and environmental areas our business influences. Setting goals within these matters, requires a transparent and realistic approach. Being honest to ourselves and others is more important to us than being perfect, as we strive to do better every day.

Where is it made

We have a small supplier list and only work with 12 different Tier 1 suppliers at the moment. Our suppliers are located in Turkey, China, and India. We value close and long lasting partnerships, where we can grow together. Our oldest current supplier collaboration goes back to 2006.


One of our design goals is to contribute to the circular economy by considering material recycling as part of the design process. This means avoiding the mixing of fibers, as mono-materials are easier to recycle. And aiming to eliminate waste in our production phase. For example by allowing patterned items to vary in design, minimizing cut-off fabric waste.