Everyday Heroes - Bobi
Who are the Everyday Heroes?
Everyday Heroes are all of us. Walking around in the world, doing the best we can, to do good to others and live our best life.
Some of these Everyday Heroes also happen to be our customer - lucky us. And here you can meet one of them. This month you can meet Marco aka. Bobi from Switzerland.
Marco Bisig, Switzerland
1. Who are you?
My name is Marco, or as some call me, Bobi, as seen on my Instagram account Bobissneaker. I'm 32 years old, living in Switzerland, and happily expecting a child with my girlfriend
2. How did you discover Revolution?
I received a shirt as a gift from my girlfriend, and since that day, I've fallen in love with the quality, fit, and style.
3. Where do you get your Revolution styles?
Mostly from Laki Mi in Chur or Esperanto Rapperswil, as well as online.
4. What is your favorite Revolution style?
The shirts, as well as the pants. The fit is perfect.
5. What is the oldest piece of Revolution clothing you own?
That would be a shirt and a parka jacket in beige (still with the old RVLT logo). I bought the parka jacket second hand.
6. What is the funniest or most unexpected reaction you've received while wearing Revolution clothing?
I often receive positive reactions, or people ask about the brand because the style fits so well. Sometimes, my girlfriend even steals some styles from my wardrobe. So we both are happy with the brand.
7. If you could wear Revolution clothing to an extraordinary event or occasion, what would it be and why?
I believe I've worn an item of Revolution clothing to almost every occasion, be it a wedding, themed dinner... I always find something suitable for various events.
8. If our brand had a mascot, what type of animal or creature would you imagine representing it?
That’s a tricky question. I could imagine a badger as the mascot. I can't say why; I just thought of the badger (HAHA).
9. If our brand had a theme song, what would it be and why?
"Always Look on the Bright Side of Life." I don’t know why. I like the song, I like the brand. So both makes me happy.
10. If you could design a special limited-edition product for our brand, what would it be and why?
A sneaker, a shirt, or a T-shirt. These styles resonate with me the most, and I already have specific colorways or materials in mind.
11. What collaboration with Revolution would you like to see in the future?
As I hinted at earlier, I would love to see sneakers. I could imagine a good collaboration with several brands.
As a thank you for telling his story, we sent Marco a full Revolution outfit. So you can look forward to even more Revolution outfits on his Instagram account here
Dylan Ryan said:
That’s nice