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vores planer med de forskelige materialer
vores planer med de forskelige materialer
Our goal is to gradually replace our consumption of conventional cotton with more sustainable alternatives such as certified organic cotton, Fairtrade cotton, CmiA, recycled cotton and/or regenerative cotton. By 2023, 70% of our cotton will be sustainable and by 2025 we will hit 90%. In 2019 alone, the production of the cotton we have used has caused emissions of 255 tonnes of CO2. The transition to more sustainable alternatives is likely to lower total CO2 emissions - mainly due to less use of artificial fertilizers whose production is CO2 intensive.
We only use a very small amount of wool, but want to be critical of the wool we use. By 2025, 50% of the wool we use must be either recycled, organic or RWS certified. Merino wool should always be non-mulesed.
Our goal is to gradually replace our synthetic materials with recycled synthetic materials. At the same time, we are keeping a close eye on the development of bio-based polyester and nylon, which we also want to use. By 2023, 50% of our polyester will come from a more sustainable source and by 2025 we will hit 70%.
Our goal is to gradually replace our synthetic materials with recycled synthetic materials. At the same time, we are keeping a close eye on the development of bio-based polyester and nylon, which we also want to use. By 2023, 50% of our polyester will come from a more sustainable source and by 2025 we will hit 70%.
Linen comes from the linen plant. It is taken from the annual plant, as it gives as smooth and unbranched a stem as possible. After the linen plant has been harvested, the stalk is air-dried in an oven, and then baked. The fibers are now ready to be combed, i.e. go through a chemical process where you sort the different layers of the stem. To make linen, only the inner core is needed.
The fibers are now ready to be spun into a yarn, which can be used to make several different textiles/fabrics, but most often it is used for weaving. The process for flax is relatively complicated and time-consuming. Depending on how fine a material you want, it must go through several processes, as linen itself is a very stiff material.
Our goals for Linen
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Our goal is to gradually replace our synthetic materials with recycled synthetic materials. At the same time, we are keeping a close eye on the development of
bio-based polyester and nylon, which we also want to use. By 2023, 50% of our polyester will come from a more sustainable source and by 2025 we will hit 70%.
Our goal is to gradually replace our synthetic materials with recycled synthetic materials. At the same time, we are keeping a close eye on the development of
bio-based polyester and nylon, which we also want to use. By 2023, 50% of our polyester will come from a more sustainable source and by 2025 we will hit 70%.
We use small amounts of man-made / semi-synthetic materials. By 2030, 100% of the semi-synthetic materials such as viscose/rayon and ramie will be replaced with better alternatives such as tencel and modal.